
You were born a vibrant and abundant being, built for a life full of power, connection, and creativity.

But maybe you have forgotten your natural state and are now weighed down with burdens and heaviness. Or maybe you don’t even realize what’s happened, and have accepted a dulled-down existence, feeling like you are sleepwalking through life, resigned to your fate. Carrying these weights can make it difficult to enjoy your life, let alone live into your fullest potential.

So much more is possible.

And the miracle is that the tool that can bring you back to your natural aliveness is your very own breath.



Transformational Breath® is a style of connected breathing that incorporates body mapping, hands-on acupressure-style touch, sound, affirmations, and movement to create a powerful and profound transformative experience.

The technique works on all levels – physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual – and serves to bring you back to a place of freedom, peace, joy, and potential.

In working with Nicole, you will learn to use your own breath to release stored emotions, imprints from old hurts, past traumas, fears, anxieties, grief and shame. You will experience a growing freedom and expansion in your life, often after just one breath session. Repeated practice and work with a facilitator opens up your life in profound and lasting ways.

Nicole is known for her strong presence, deep compassion and empathy, kindness, and authenticity. She strongly believes that we can all create our own great life and she is currently living into her own potential by traveling the world and teaching Transformational Breath.

Join Nicole and reconnect with the true joy that lies within.

Live the life you were made for!

Breathing with Nicole is being held in a rare depth of wisdom, support and embodied care. She is a true master at facilitating deep healing and meeting you wherever you’re at in any given moment. I highly recommend receiving healing and support with her!
— Stephanie B ~ Transformation + Embodiment Coach —

The Impact of


Relieve tension and increase relaxation

Aid in natural body detoxification

Improve sleep and overall physical health

Strengthen immune system

Balance flow of energy throughout the body

Increase energy and physical performance


Reduce patterns of self-sabotage

Improve self-esteem

Decrease worry and anxiety

Help with addictions

Integrate past traumas

Greater clarity of mind

Develop healthy emotional and mental balance


Increase intuitive capabilities and understanding

Deepen connection with self, others, and Spirit

Increase creativity

Feel more present in life

Deepen meditative states

Open more fully to your own gifts and purpose

Learn more about this revolutionary practice at the Transformational Breath® Foundation.


more about nicole

Nicole is a Midwest native who has been interested in spirituality and well-being since she was a child. This passion led her to explore various self-healing/discovery modalities, including Transformational Breath®, which she considers to be one of the ultimate tools for physical, emotional, and spiritual connection and transformation.

She has been sharing this work as a Certified Transformational Breath® Facilitator and Trainer for over a decade with groups and individuals across the globe. The incredible relationship and potential that each person has with their own breath, and the joy and wisdom they can awaken within, continues to inspire and amaze her with every session.

Nicole is now based in Costa Rica where she lovingly shares her work, having every adventure along the way.